
小站整理2015-11-30 11:39:41






1.Describe an unusual building you know.


You should say:

What it is

When you first heard about this building

What is most unusual about it

And explain why you liked it or not

2.Describe an exciting sport you know.


You should say:

What the sport is;

How you know about it;

Is it difficult?

Explain why you think it is exciting

3.Describe a person you don’t like but have to be friendly to


You should say:

Who the person is

Why you don’t like the person

Why you have to be friendly to this person

4.Describe a place you remember going to that is full of color


You should say:

What the place is.

Where the place is

When you went to this place

And explain why you like or dislike this place.

5.Describe a song you remembered in your childhood


You should say:

What the song was

When you first heard this song

Where you first heard this song

And explain why you remembered this song

6.Describe a toy you had in your childhood


You should say:

What it was

Where it came from/how you first got the toy

When had the toy

And explain why you liked or disliked it

7.Describe a subject you didn’t like before but have interest in now


You should say:

What the subject is.

Why you didn’t like it before.

Why you like it now.

And explain how the change happened.

8.Describe a piece of good news you have heard of


You should say:

What the news was

When you heard this news

Who told you the news

And explain how felt about the news

9.Describe a situation when you received some useful advice


You should say:

What the situation was

Who gave you the advice

What the advice was

And explain how this advice was useful to you

10.Describe a surprise you have had.


You should say:

What the surprise was

When it happened

Who gave you the surprise

And explain why you liked or disliked the surprise

11.Describe a project that you were once involved in (for example, a project at work or a homework assignment at school or university.)


You should say:

The topic of this project or homework

When and where you did this project

What research or preparation you did

How difficult this task was

How much time you spent on this project or assignment

And explain what you learnt from this experience.

12.Describe a situation (or a time) when you helped someone


You should say:

What the situation was

Who the person was

How you helped them

And explain how you felt after helping him

13.Describe a time you lost your way


You should say:

Where you went

When it happens

And explain how you find the right way.

14.Describe an interesting thing you have learned from the internet.


You should say:

How often you searched on it

What you have learned from the Internet

And explain why you thought it was interesting

15.Describe an interesting website you have used


You should say:

What the website is

What it is used for

When you used it

And explain why you think it was interesting

16.Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet


You should say:

What the ambition is

When you first had this ambition

What you have done to achieve it

And explain why you can’t achieve the ambition now.

17.Describe a short trip you have been on and want to do it again


You should say:

When you went on this trip.

Where you went to

How long you have been there.

And explain why you want to do it again.

18.Describe a family member you want to work with


You should say:

Who the member is

What kind of work you want to do with him or her

What he or she did impressed you most

And explain why you would like to work with him or her

19.Describe a vehicle you want to buy


You should say:

What type of vehicle you want to buy

Where you want to go after buying it

Who you would share with

And explain why you would like to buy it

20.Describe a film you want to watch again


You should say:

What it is

When you watched it for the first time

What plots impressed you most

And explain why you want to watch again

21.Describe something you want to buy in the future


You should say:

What it is

When you are going to buy

Why you want to buy it

And explain how you will feel if you have it

22.Describe a situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth or you when you told a lie


You should say:

What the lie was

Why you or others told the lie

Whether you or others found out the truth or not

And explain how you feel about it now

23.Describe a person who is a good leader


You should say:

Who the person is

How do you know the person

Why the person can be a leader

And explain what you can learn from the person

24.Describe a foreign celebrity.


You should say:

Who the person is

What this person does

Something about this person that attracts you

And explain why you admire this person.

25.Describe a person you know who is good at cooking


You should say:

Who the person is

When and where you knew this person

What the person has cooked before

And explain why you think he or she is good at cooking







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