
小站整理2015-06-10 10:55:01

摘要:今天小站给大家带来的雅思口语话题是:物品类,你花了很长时间选的一个礼物。a gift that you took a long time to choose.

小站前言:5月雅思换题季后,又出现了一波新题。针对即将到来的雅思考试,小站老师就这些新题,做一个比较详细新题讲解。今天小站给大家带来的雅思口语话题是:物品类,你花了很长时间选的一个礼物。a gift that you took a long time to choose.

Describe a gift for someone that took you a long time to choose.

You should say:

what it was;

who it was for;

why it took you so long to choose;

and explain how he or she reacted to your gift.
Sample answer:

In Australian culture, the 18th birthday and the 21st birthday is a big deal.

just recently

turned 21

struggle to think

such a big birthday

the last birthday that is celebrated with a big party

I was very anxious as to what to get her

make the gift really special

I wanted it to be sentimental, usable, funny

something that she didn’t already have

make her a photo album book

documented the friendship over the last decade

kind of a way of saying thank you for the great time we shared together

unflattering photos(不上相的照片或者滑稽有趣的照片) of us both

felt sentimental about some of the photo with

shared special moments together

overall, it’s a very successful gift

it’s a gift that she is able to look at the rest of her life

remember the memories that we share

do our hair really silly

like a clown

in a sense that






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