
小站整理2015-05-28 13:49:02



在实际考试中,我们可以发现很多考生对这类话题的表现不尽如人意,不知道说什么。我们必须只要,就城市分类而言,题目中常用的词就是bigcity 和small city,而除了这些,metropolis大都市是最常用的表达,也可以用发达 (developed) 或不发达 (less developed) 来划分城市。在中国,我们还分一线 (first-tier)、二线 (second-tier) 和三线 (third-tier) 城市。除此之外,我们还给城市冠了好听的名字,比如Cityof Perpetual spring(春城)等。当然,我们也会对城市进行排名,比如Liveable City(宜居城市),Garden City(花园城市)等。

除了城市的名称,关于城市的一些基本构成也是众多烤鸭发愁的一个区块。常用的表达有:cityhall(市政府),city(城市),municipal(市政的),municipality(市政当局),suburb(郊区),countryside(乡村),administrativedistrict(行政区),residential area(住宅区),commercialdistrict(商业区),slums(贫民区);关于城市中的一些基本设施和服务,包括:postoffice(邮局),publiclavatory(公共厕所),publictelephone(公用电话),shopping centre(商场),snackbar(小吃店),stock exchange(股票交易所),trafficlight(红绿灯),art gallery(美术馆),botanicalgarden(植物园),employment agency(职业介绍),bank(银行),bookstore(书店),court(法院),highway(公路),motorway(高速公路),hospital(医院),junkshop(旧货店),library(图书馆),museum(博物馆),newsstand(报摊),port(港口),restaurant(餐馆),skyscraper(摩天大楼),stadium(体育场),station(车站),theatre(电影院戏院)。


Pros of big cities:

Bigmoney at work, first-class education, a large transport network, fancy restaurantsand luxurious townhouses are definitely the charms(魅力)ofbig cities.

Life in big cities is endlesslycolourful(无尽精彩)asyou have a wide range of entertainment.

Thiscity is steeped in(沉浸在)time-honored(历史悠久的)traditions.


Thiscity is well-known for its architecturalheritage(建筑遗产).

The cityscape(城市风景)is gorgeous(华丽的,漂亮极了的)and there are tons of towering skyscrapers(高耸的摩天大楼).

High-rise buildings(高城建筑)are sprouting up(涌现)all over the city.

Thiscity is like a magnet(磁铁)for tourists.

Cons of big cities:

Theair is so smoggy(烟雾重的).

Lotsof people there suffer from respiratory diseases(呼吸系统疾病).

Thetraffic is always bumper-to-bumper(保险杠对保险杠,指非常拥挤)during rush hours.

Thecost of living is sky-high(极高的).

Theeconomy is in a slump(消沉,指经济不景气).

I can’tstand the hustle and bustle(拥挤喧闹)there.

Someareas are pretty run-down(破旧的).


Pros of small cities:

Livea quiet and peaceful life.

Getaway from the hustles and bustles(拥挤喧闹).

Smallcities are of sufficient natural resources.

Cons of small cities:

Tonsof small cities in China are confronted with serious brain drain(人才流失).

A risingnumber of chemical factories built in small countries and countryside arouse grievous(严重的)water degradation(水质下降).

Average income(收入水平)in small cities falls far behind that in big cities.

The general public service(整体社会服务水平)in small cities is lower than that in most big cities.

除此之外,关于大城市,肯定有很多同学对其高昂的房价有话要说。其实不光如此,之前在Part 3中就已经有同学碰到过关于中国城市房价的问题了。对于很多年轻人而言,无论是收入水平、城市规模还是社会服务等,first-tier city(一线城市)都有着巨大吸引力。然而,housing price(房产价格)的疯长,许多原来期望在first-tier city发展的年轻人不得不转战second-tier city和third-tier city。许多不甘离开梦想之地的人或成为mortgage slave(房奴),或成为ant tribe(蚁族)。另外,一线城市的高消费水平也迫使许多人成为moonlight clan(月光族)。想结婚而又无力买房的人只能选择naked wedding(裸婚)。


Q: Do you prefer to live in a big city or small city?

A: Personally, small city seems more preferable. I like living in small citiesfor its slow life pace and quietness. I mean I don't have to suffer the hustle and bustle. So I’m ableto enjoy cosiness. According to my experience living in a big city for three years,living in big cities is just stressful. You know, the sky-high housing price and fiercecompetition propel many youngsters like me to move out of big cities thoughthere are completed public services; otherwise we’ll end up with being a mortgage slave and having a naked wedding.





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