
小站整理2015-05-26 11:41:13

摘要:小站老师总结了5月新题,同时也是大家比较头疼的一道题:教育旅行. 包括Part2和Part3.希望可以帮助到大家。
小站前言:5月雅思换题季后,又出现了一波新题。针对即将到来的雅思考试,小站老师就这些新题,做一个比较详细新题讲解。以下是针对新题“an educational trip you went on when you were in school”包括Part2和Part3。乍一眼看,这道题似乎没有什么好题材可以说。
Describe an educational trip you went on when you were in school.(新题)
You should say:
when and where you went;
who you went with;
what you did;
and explain what you learnt on this trip.
Sample answer:
An educational  trip that I went on when I was at school was a trip to the state forest  called XXX and I think I went when I was only seven, so about eight or ten years ago now. I was quite young. I went with my class because I studied biology, and we were learning about different biological things. We went to the forest to make observation about the environment, the climate and all that sort of stuff. So it was a really exciting trip. It was the first time that I kind of felt like I was a little scientist, I had my notepad and my pen and paper. We went to different areas of the forest and we took notes,  we saw how many plants were in particular area. We noticed if there was anything that we recognised or any animals that sort of stuff. I learned a lot on this trip. We had a tour guide who took us through the forest and taught us a lot of new things. And one thing that I do remember learning specifically was there was one point with we stopped as a group and the tour guide got a bucket and she put the bucket in the running stream and make us all drink from the running water. And we are all “oh I don’t wanna drink that, that’s disgusting” but she was telling us about that it was a fresh water creek and she was explaining different types of streams and rivers that this particular creek was full of fresh waters that was being in the water that you drink at home. I really remember her making me drink from a bucket out of a river and I was terrified but it was really fun experience.
Do you often have opportunities of educational visits?
Yes. When I was in high school, I had a lot of opportunities for educational visits. But now, I don’t have any. Throughout uni, there was no one organising an excursion. And even now I’m quite busy with work, so I don’t really have time to go and educate myself in the museum or the forest or something.
What roles do teachers play during those visits? Are they important?
I think they provide a good role to educate the students in that particular environment. It is exciting to be able to teach outside of the classrooms as well. It is exciting for the students to be outside the classroom that’s a very different environment
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5月雅思口语考试P2新题精解-第一辑 雅思口语:6月必考的10道人物类话题题库






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