
小站教育2015-05-25 12:12:31


Describe an educational TV program that you have seen.

· What are educational TV programs?

· What function do they have?

· How they influence people?




Raking my brains like crazy for much longer than 1 minute, hardly anything come to my mind. 似乎小的时候看得最接近教育类电视节目的是中央1台的大风车,还有一个中央9台的希望英语. 不过,实在是没什么印象和值得说的,并且觉得比较low。所以本着一点崇洋媚外的心态,找了一个米国的洋货,而且还是很历史悠久并具有国际影响力的哦。它就是芝麻街,其实广大已经长大了的孩子们,现在去看看,也不嫌迟的。在itune里有免费下载。


Maybe I’m not its primary target audience, but once when I googled and try to find some great stuff about preschool education, it is high up there, the Sesame Street.

Sesame Street is a long-running American children’s television series which is much older than me. The program is known for its educational content, and images communicated through the use of Muppets, animation, short films, humor, and cultural references. Most American preschoolers had watched the series by the time they were three years old, and the first patch of audience are now well into their 50s. So now it is not just a show for kids, but also for parents and even grandparents. Because it makes they remember when they were young, they watch the clip and think of all of times they watched it they we were kids. Sesame Street really has been around a long time.

Sesame Street has not maintained its success simply by being a really good television show; it has branded itself as the epitome of good, wholesome, educational television for children -- television that parents can rely upon to instill knowledge and good moral values in their children. Some kids are drawn to particular characters. Some enjoy music and rhythm. Some enjoy humor. The producers create a vast array of bridges, which is between kids and something they'd like to know more about. Then each kid picks which bridges work for them. Many kids are taught how to read very well and long before kindergarten.

It is optimistic. It is fun. It is smart. It respects its audience. On one level, it's place where sunny days are sweeping the clouds away.





viewing habits

television show

fit the needs

target audience

maintain its brand 维护品牌

keep current 保持知名度

cameo appearance 客串演员出场 celebrity guest appearance

highest rated show high ratings 高收视率

prepare children for school

be premiered 首播 debut(n/v) 首播

international version 国际版

the cast and crew 演职员阵容

adulatory review 满是溢美之词的评论

attention span 注意力的持续时间

hold/capture audience’s attention

a boycott of the show 抵制

the show also streams online. 网上直播

the format of the show has evolved. Show的内容样式演变了。

the show’s success continued into the new century.

(某电视节目的)efficacy, impact and effect on the society

(某电视节目)is good practice for most people of any age to look for and find the more positive aspects of any situation

(好的电视节目)The ones that connect to what she loves and is interested in. The ones that spark questions in her and further her curiosity about what interests her. The ones that introduce her to things that she is interested in. The ones that answer the questions she has rather than the questions she supposedly should be asking.

(好的电视节目)master the addictive qualities of television and do something good with them

A show is conceived and created and then popularised.






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