
小站整理2015-05-20 16:29:27

摘要: Describe a place where you can read or write (not your home). 觉得很搞的是特意强调了不是家里。其实作为一个读书困难户,家里也是很难读得进书的。何必这么为难人呢?
Describe a place where you can read or write (not your home).

· Where the place is?

· How it looks like?

· Why you like this place?


1. where

对于本人这种从不读书的人,面对这个话题,真是有点难以启齿(居然还排除掉home),但在求助一番好读书的好友之后,还是寻得了两篇不错的答案。其实大家在看到这个题目时,估计第一反应便是图书馆。尚在大学的小伙伴,可以搬出大学图书馆,未入大学或已离开大学的小伙伴,大可以搬出公共图书馆。总之人人有话说,人人有分拿。其实,思路不应该局限于此。雅思考试的考官,频繁地收听的答案,估计十有八九是library。在安全的前提下,求异的思路很很重要。那么,哪些地方可以read or write. 其实嘛,很多的,从比较常见的café(穷困潦倒的罗琳写哈利波特不就是在一个咖啡厅么)或者book bar(同样提供各种饮品和轻音乐)到自然点的公园乃至海边。只要你有一颗阅读和写作的心,地域是不限的(比如某人在上下班的地铁上)。

2.how it looks like

这个问题是难点,但凡涉及到对事物的detailed description,都是中国小伙伴的难点。所以,问题回到了第一部分。为了方便你描述这个可能是你虚构出的place,不要只为了图方便省事。还需要看到后续问题中的描述问题。是一栋图书馆大楼容易描述呢,还是你常去的咖啡店或者海边容易呢?无疑,是后者容易些。图书馆毕竟往往是一个建筑群,三言两语说清楚不易。而咖啡店公园这种大众化的场所,外形上本就没什么特殊性,你随便说说即可;如果是像海边这种纯自然的场所,那么,你就随意发挥想象忽悠几句就可以过关。


这是话题的升华部分,没有read or write切实体会的同学,相信很难在此处与考官产生共鸣。所以,小站提供的相当走心的答案版本,自己看着办吧。


The most idealistic place for me to read is probably Guangzhou Library. It’s located in ZhuJiang New Town, Tianhe district. The appearance of the architecture is a huge stone “N” with glass to seal the “V” part, so you can looking into the building and see people coming and leaving from afar. What I love most about this library is that it’s both aesthetically pleasing and functional. There are eight floors and every floor was divided into several sections based on the classification of the books . Tons of new books and magazines and newspapers swarm into the library every week on the top of already rich collections. Though there’s such a huge quantity of books but it’s well organized and never give me a messy feel, I could find the exact location of every book through the official website, so it’s convenient for the reader to find what they want. I can find reading zones on every floor. it’s equipped with cozy sofas and there’s also hot water at service. Once a week, for a whole day I’ll just grab several books and find myself a cozy spot, getting buried in the book to enjoy the pure pleasure of reading, and do some scribbling if something occurs. You know what the best moment was? When dark gets thick, I lift my tired eyes from the book to take a long look at this fantastic see-through building of books, there’s a line by Virginia Woolf comes into my head: If there do exist a paradise, then it must resemble a library.


这是一位在广州的朋友的故事,讲的广州图书馆,我稍作了修饰,整体感觉还是一篇不错的答案,用词稍有一点文气,大家在使用时可根据自身水平进行化简。detailed description部分如果没有亲眼目睹的话,不太能说的出。所以啊,小伙伴们,如果选了图书馆作为描述对象,会容易死在这个地方的。Why部分就讲了下自己在图书馆的comfortable reading routine,让考官信服应该足够。闪瞎我的眼睛的是最后的一句英国女作家伍尔夫的话:if there do exist a paradise, then it must resemble a library.(如果世上真有天堂的话,那么它一定类似图书馆的模样),非爱阅读者,非图书馆常客,无法表达此种话语。感动到不能自已考官估计会当场让对方收下ta的双膝吧。



My best reading experience was when I traveled to Hualian,Taiwan, I discovered a sea shore with rocks around it and no one nearby, as I was walking on the shore, I thought that maybe this is a great place to read, so I took out a book in my backpack and found a flat rock to sit reading. Unlike many sea shores which had been polluted, this shore was extremely clean and covered with soft sand, overlooking the sea from the shore, I saw the sea was in deep blue. When I was sitting there reading, I could hear nothing but the ebb and flow of the sea, sometimes the sea is calm and some other it’s roaring, it happens to resemble the ebb and flow of the common human fate, and this definitely reinforced my reading experience as I was reading Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. I was overwhelmed by Conrad’s depiction of their voyage into the Cango river as I heard the sound of the waves lapping the rocks,it seems like the sea shore took me to their splendid journey . Therefore I love this place for its isolation and it’s natural scenery which is perfect to read or contemplate. When I finished my reading that afternoon, some images of their journey was deeply imprinted in my head and I found my thoughts run wild and myself filled with a bunch of ideas that I could write into my own writings, so immediately grab a pencil to wrote my ideas down and then finished it there and our local newspaper published my short stories a few days later. That sea shore inspired me to wrote that story.






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