【Part2】Describe an old person you know who you respect4

小站教育2015-04-28 13:12:18

摘要:最新雅思口语机经重磅发布!本机经预测的试题为Describe an old person you know who you respect.本文附上了名师撰写的经典范文,仅供各位烤鸭参考。在使用雅思口语机经时,还请您配合雅思口语题库一起多加练习。
You should say

Who the person is
How you know the person
How long you have known this person
And explain why you respect this person.

Among all the family members, I admire my grandfather the most. my grandfather used to be a fisherman in the East Coast of China. Because he did not want my grandmother to live a life at sea with him, he gave up fishing for a living. My grandfather sometimes tells me about his previous career of fishing. He said that what impressed him most was the sunrise and sunset by the water, a bucket full of jumping fishes and the immerse space out there in the ocean. As well, he tells many truths of life. I feel his courage, passion and even pride for his previous career as a fisherman. He makes me realize that we should face the difficulties and challenges in a positive attitude. Whenever I face some problems, he is the first one I would like to talk with because he always can provide some useful and practical suggestions and advice. What is more, my grandfather is such a guy who has a good temper. Even if I made some mistakes, he would never blame me for anything I did, on the contrary, he would point out my mistakes pleasantly but sternly.






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