【实例讲解】 2015年雅思口语物品类热点难题分析——惊喜

小站整理2015-03-18 11:27:33



这次讲的是一道物品类热点题“一个令人预约的惊喜”。如何体现出惊喜的方式是和多烤鸭难以名状的问题,小站名师就在此给出大家针对这个问题的相关part 2&3的答案参考,帮助考生在短时间内客服对新题的准备不足的恐惧。

地点类热点题,新题(part 2&3)

• Describe a pleasant surprise you had..

You should say

When and where it happened?

Who gave you the surprise?

Why they gave you the surprise?

And explain how you felt about it.

Sample answer:

A pleasant surprise is always a joyful thing. I have received many surprises in my life, but there is one surprise that I really want to mention cuz it left a deep impression on me until now, well, definitely a good and pleasant impression. It was on December 31st 2014, just a couple of hours before the arrival of new year. I was preparing for the New Year’s party with my friends here in Shanghai. I heard someone ring the bell on the door and my friend come to open the door. Then he say to me “They come for you, they said they are your friends” I was still busy with my stuff so I replied without even taking a glance at the strangers at the door “ So who are they?” Then when I turn around I found 2 familiar figures standing in front of me, then I yelled “ Oh my god, you guys? Seriously?” They are my childhood mates coming back from Japan to pay me a visit in this particular time of the year. There is famous saying in China “There’s nothing more joyful than a friend from far come to visit you”

To be frank, I have been expecting them come back to join my party at this special occasion, cuz it think it’s a time that faithful friends join together. So their unexpected visit was truly a dream come true. Later I know that they had arranged this visit for more than a month and decide to arrive at the last day of 2013 to celebrate the New Year with me, we haven’t met for almost 3 years and last time we met was still in Tokyo, so it’s really pleasant that I can catch up with them, plus, I was in such an exciting moment, I really can’t figure out anything more cheerful than this. I felt like I was surrounded by the warm atmosphere of ushering the new year and enjoying the valuable friendship, that was definitely the best new year’s eve I’ve ever had.

• Do Chinese people like surprises?

I don’t really think that Chines people like surprise, mostly not. Cuz I think most of the Chinese family are traditional and conservative, the unprepared surprise could be annoying not amusing. But the young people nowadays are more and more open for western culture, surprises like gifts and shock are getting more popular among them.

•Is happiness very important to those who are very rich?

I think happiness is very important to anybody no matter if they are rich or poor. There is a famous saying goes “ Money can not buy happiness”. Mum wiping your sweat with her sleeves is happiness, you boy’s gentle kiss on your lips is happiness, a caring warm embrace from you girl is happiness. As you can see, the true happiness is free, you don’t need to pay anything for it. Even though people rich folk can acquire something that ordinary people would never be able to have, when it comes to the pursuit of happiness, they are equal.

• Do you always get excited by surprises?

I have to say I really love surprises, but only if it’s not a shock. Cuz a lot of people think they are giving you a big surprise by scaring you in some certain kinds of means. Well for me , it’s too much to take. But if it’s a good surprise like an unexpected visit of gift will be fine for me.


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