雅思口语话题精讲p2 一个重要的传统活动

小站整理2015-03-16 10:51:32

摘要:今天开始,小站雅思频道老师就来进行雅思口语话题精讲,今天讲的内容是part 2 一个重要的传统活动。大家来看看小站老师是如何回答这个问题的。

雅思口语话题精讲:part 2 一个重要的传统活动


P2.Describe an important traditional event in your hometown.You should say:

what this event is.

when it happens.

who participates in this event, what they do.

and explain how you feel about this event.

What this event is

Well, one of the important traditional events in my hometown is Temple Fair, which is now amassgathering of entertainment and commerce.

When it happens

The Temple Fair in my hometown has a very long history, probably dating from Ming and Qing dynasties. And now it usually occurs from the first to the seventh day of the first month on the lunar calendar.

Who participates in this event and what they do

The Fair attracts a lot of people. Some are going to sell something, most of which are traditional arts and crafts, while others just go there for fun. There will be feature dragon and lion dances, waist drum dancing, as well as other folk performances, and even some staged traditional wedding ceremonies. Besides, you can taste numerous kinds of local snacks and dishes.Acrobaticsand other performers are on hand to keep the crowds entertained throughout the day.

and explain how you feel about this event.

For me, I like the Temple Fairs because there are so many games to play, food to eat and performances to appreciate. But what’s more important, it is definitely a cultural experience, and allows one to see Chinese cultures from a very detailed perspective.

Temple Fair:庙会

mass: 大众的

commerce: 交流,交际。 贸易,商业。

lunar calendar: 阴历

arts and crafts: 手工艺品

dragon and lion dances: 舞狮,舞龙。




考前突击:雅思口语part 1新题补充及问题答案(汇总)


2月12日&14日雅思口语难题分析之PART 2人物类第二弹



小站名师:2月雅思口语热点难题分析Part 2人物类

waist drum dancing: 腰鼓舞蹈

folk performances: 民间表演

snacks: 小吃

Acrobatics: 杂技

on hand: 在场,即将发生。

perspective: 观点,看法。






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