2月12日&14日雅思口语难题分析之PART 2人物类第二弹

小站整理2015-02-25 12:53:00


Part 3 leader领导类问题大汇总

Would you like to (do you want to) be a leader? FQ

Why do some people not want to be a leader? FQ

Why can't everyone be a leader?

Why do we need leaders? FQ

(As above) Why does society need leaders? FQ

(As above) What is the function of leaders in society? FQ

Besides company managers (or whoever you chose to talk about), what other kinds of leaders are there?

What are the qualities of a good leader? (or, What abilities are needed to be a leader, for example, a company manager?) FQx2

What are the differences between a leader and other (ordinary) people?

What are the responsibilities of leadership? FQ

(As above) What does a leader do? FQ

What are the responsibilities of a national leader?

If you were a leader, what would you do? (Unclear question: Probably means, "If you were a national leader") FQ

How (or why) do people respect leaders?

What is a bad leader like?

What are some ways that a bad boss can result in many people quitting their job?

In the workplace, how should a good supervisor or boss relate to the people he or she is supervising? ('Relate to' = 'talk to'.)

In what ways should leaders help other people?

How should company leaders, such as managers, communicate with theirstaff?

How can leaders influence others? (= What impact do leaders have on people?)

(As above) Do you think leaders need to set an example for others? FQ

(Similar to above) How does a leader set an example for others? FQ

How do some people develop leadership abilities?

Is it possible to be a leader if one is not good at speaking in front of large groups of people?

Is it possible to be a good speaker in front of others and to be a good leader but at the same time not be a good person (a nice person) at the personal level?

(Similar to above) Do you think it's important for leaders to have good communication skills?

Is it possible for someone who is not very intelligent to lead others who are more intelligent than him?

Which do you think is more important for being a leader, experience or academic qualifications?

What kind of experience does a person need before becoming a leader?

Does the media have any influence on who becomes a leader? (= a political leader)

How can leaders be selected?

What's the difference between a leader in the sports world and a leader in society?

What are some differences between current leaders and leaders of the past?

What do you think are the responsibilities of an assistant leader (a deputy leader)?

What are the results of having a good national leader?

What are some possible results of having a bad national leader?

Training Future Leaders

How do some people become leaders? FQ

How do some people develop leadership abilities?

Do you think some people are 'born leaders' or is leadership ability developed in childhood?

What can parents do to encourage the development of leadership abilities in their children? FQ

How can society develop future leaders?

How can a spirit of leadership be cultivated in universities or society?

Do you think we should have special schools to train future leaders?

How do you think leaders of the future will be different to current leaders? FQx2

Do you think future leaders will be better than present ones?

What roles (in society) will leaders of the future have to play? (= What will be the major concerns and responsibilities of future leaders?) HINT: Dealing with problems such as Global Warming and the results of these problems. FQx2






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