
小站整理2024-02-27 18:20:24



  1. 引发兴趣的话题引入
    • "Do you believe that technology has made our lives easier or more complicated?"
    • "I'm fascinated by the idea of how people's definitions of happiness have changed over time. What do you think makes someone happy?"
  2. 个人经历或观点的引入
    • "I remember when I first learned to cook, it was a challenging but rewarding experience. I believe that learning new skills can be a great way to enhance one's self-confidence."
    • "I strongly disagree with the notion that success is solely determined by one's IQ. In my opinion, perseverance and a positive attitude are equally important."
  3. 引用名言或普遍观点
    • "As Einstein once said, 'Imagination is more important than knowledge.' Do you agree that fostering creativity is crucial in today's world?"
    • "It's often said that travel broadens the mind. Discuss the benefits of exploring new cultures and places."
  4. 提出假设或情境
    • "Imagine waking up tomorrow in a world where all forms of technology had suddenly disappeared. How would your life change?"
    • "If you could have a conversation with any historical figure, who would you choose and why?"
  5. 用事实或统计数据开头
    • "According to recent studies, more than half of the world's population now lives in urban areas. Do you think this urbanization trend is positive or negative for society?"
    • "It's estimated that by 2050, the global population will reach 10 billion. How do you think we can ensure sustainable living for everyone?"
  6. 提出问题引发讨论
    • "Do you think social media has had a positive or negative impact on society?"
    • "With the increasing pace of life, do you believe that people are happier or more stressed than they were in the past?"







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