
小站整理2023-05-18 15:04:28



题目:Some people believe that the international trade is increasing the gap between the rich and poor countries. While others claim that it’s a solution to bridge that gap. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


The issue of whether international trade is a source of income inequality between developed and developing countries is a controversial one. While some people argue that international trade is increasing the gap between rich and poor countries, others believe that it is a solution to bridge that gap. In this essay, both views will be discussed before a conclusion is reached.

On the one hand, those who think that international trade is exacerbating the gap between rich and poor nations argue that developed countries hold an unfair advantage as a result of their technological and intellectual superiority. They import cheap goods from developing countries, which they then re-export, often at a vastly inflated price. Developing countries are therefore forced to sell their raw materials cheaply in order to earn hard currency, and to import expensive manufactured goods, which makes it difficult for them to develop their own industries. This creates a vicious circle of poverty and underdevelopment in these countries.

On the other hand, proponents of international trade argue that developing countries have a lot to gain from trading with developed nations. For one, this enables them to expose their goods and services to a wider audience, which in turn can result in increased profits. Moreover, the revenues they generate from international trade can be invested in programs designed to help them improve their infrastructure and overall economic performance. International trade can also lead to increased communication and cultural exchange, thereby promoting a more peaceful and harmonious global community.

In my personal opinion, we cannot deny the fact that international trade can lead to income inequality and underdevelopment in some countries. The benefits of international trade, however, cannot be ignored. Instead, the global community must ensure that international trade takes place under fair conditions for all parties involved. Developed countries must be willing to provide developing countries with the necessary technology and support to develop their own industries, while ensuring that they do not take advantage of their disadvantaged position. Therefore, international trade can become a powerful tool to help bridge the gap between the rich and poor countries, provided that there is a commitment to fairness and equality.










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