
小站整理2023-05-17 11:41:24


Here is a sample essay on the recent IELTS speaking topic, "jewelry":

In today's world, people like to wear jewelry in different styles, sizes, and materials. Firstly, jewelry is a symbol of a person's identity and status. For example, gold and diamond are considered as symbols of luxury brands, often used by privileged people. Secondly, jewelry is a favorite gift for some people. For example, in many cultures, jewelry is a gift given to the bride at weddings. Finally, jewelry helps people feel more confident and beautiful. Therefore, I believe that jewelry plays a very important role in our lives.

Regarding the types of jewelry, I think they can be classified into two categories. First, there is traditional jewelry, which comes from different regions and cultures and usually has a certain history and story behind it. For example, in traditional Chinese culture, jade and romantic pearls have always been very popular. Additionally, some traditional jewelry has a unique meaning. For instance, the Indian ring Mangalsutra symbolizes marriage and love.

Second, there is modern jewelry that is often made with new materials and techniques. For example, many modern jewelry designs use unconventional materials such as wood, plastic, and glass to create unique and fashionable pieces. Moreover, some modern jewelry designers often take inspiration from nature, architecture, and various artistic movements to create their designs.

To answer the question of what my favorite piece of jewelry is, I would say it’s a pearl necklace that my grandmother gave me. It's a traditional piece of jewelry, and I love it because it holds emotional value for me. It’s my favorite because it reminds me of my grandmother and my family.

Now, let's analyze this sample essay. The writer states clearly and logically the importance of jewelry in people's lives, and classifies them into two categories: traditional and modern. Additionally, the writer uses specific examples and personal reasons to explain the topic, which makes the essay more interesting and understandable. The grammar and vocabulary are appropriate for an IELTS speaking test at a higher level, which shows the writer's good language proficiency. Overall, this is a well-developed and well-organized essay that adequately responds to the question, and can serve as a good reference for IELTS test takers looking to improve their speaking skills.






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