
小站整理2023-04-28 14:38:15



One of the most challenging tasks in IELTS reading is the map question type, which requires test-takers to read and interpret a map or plan. Among the various types of map questions, the most difficult one is arguably the diagram label completion question from the Cambridge IELTS book series. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons why the label completion question is so difficult and provide some tips to help test-takers master this question type.

The diagram label completion question presents the test-taker with a map or plan and a set of labels that need to be matched to specific locations on the map or plan. However, the labels themselves are often incomplete or missing key information, making it difficult to match them with specific locations on the map. Adding to the difficulty, the map or plan is often complex and includes a lot of details that must be carefully examined to identify the correct location.

To succeed in the diagram label completion question, test-takers must have strong analytical and deduction skills, as well as a good understanding of vocabulary related to directions, landmarks, and other location-related terms. They must also be able to read and interpret the map or plan accurately and quickly, which requires practice and familiarity with different types of maps.

One strategy for tackling the diagram label completion question is to take a sequential approach, starting with the first incomplete label and working through each one in order. This can help test-takers stay focused and avoid confusion, especially when dealing with complicated maps or plans. Another strategy is to scan the map or plan quickly to get a general understanding of its layout and key features before beginning to match labels. This can help test-takers identify areas of the map or plan that are likely to contain the information needed to complete the labels.

In conclusion, the diagram label completion question from the Cambridge IELTS series is one of the most challenging tasks in IELTS reading, requiring strong analytical and deduction skills, a good understanding of location-related vocabulary, and practice in interpreting maps and plans. By using sequential and scanning strategies, test-takers can increase their chances of getting the correct answers and achieving success on the IELTS reading exam.








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