2016年5月雅思口语换题月 比权力的游戏更加来势汹汹

小站整理2016-05-01 11:17:38


PART 2&3 卡片题&提高题

话题数量: 50组左右,换题比例: 50%


1.A difficult choice you made which turned out to be right 13.A dream you had
2.A gold you’d like to achieve 14.A person who apologized to you
3.A piece of clothing that someone gave you 15.A place near water
4.A satisfied product 16.A sport you would like to try
5.A time you saw an interesting animal 17.An interesting story you watched on TV
6.One of your best friend 18.The first time you communicate with someone in a foreign language
7.A dinner you enjoyed with your friends 19.A family that you like
8.A job you would like to do 20.A photo of yourself
9.A piece of local news 21.A pollute place
10.A short trip that was special to you 22.A time you helped someone
11.An interesting novel or story 23.An occasion when the weather changed your plan
12.Someone you admire who is much older than you 24. Your favorite toy



▲ 人物类:

A neighbour

A child

A teacher

A singer/actor

A TV/movie character

A good cook

▲ 地点类:

A public place you’ve been to: for shopping,music, sport, or exhibition

A building

A place you’ve worked or studied

▲ 物品类:

A website/an APP

A book

A film you dislike

sth that’s produced in your country

▲ 事件经历类:

A school subject

A project or homework assignment you did

A historical event

A wrong decision

A recent change

A competition

A group/team you were a member of

A party you’ve been to

▲ 其他:

A personality or character

A piece of advice







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