
小站整理2016-05-24 13:58:19




Claim: We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from those whose views contradict our own.

Reason: Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.



I concede that undue discord can impede/hamper learning. Otherwise, in my view we learn far more from discourse and debate with those whose ideas we oppose than from people whose ideas are in accord with our own.

1. Admittedly, discussing with those whose views we share is efficient with an accordant atmosphere.

1) When facing a question, people are inclined to talk with those who are in accord with them instead of with those opposing them.

2) People from different regions may even contradictory on some questions, such as whether to eat pork. In that case, it's impossible to communicate between the two sides.

2. However, it is common that we learn more from those hold different views against ours.

1) Difference in opinion, perhaps due to consideration in other direction, may remind us what we have neglected.

2) The two parties with different knowledge are able to complement each other.

1. Besides, people holding the same views often have the same way of thinking. It's hard to progress for them to discuss together.

二、 历史研究:

The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times.


This statement actually insists of two claims. First, people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history is an illusion. Second, the primary of the study of history is to break down this illusion. As far as I am concerned, I concede that people live in different periods of time in history share some common ground, however, I disagree with both of the two claims.

1. Admittedly, from the human history, we know that the basic nature of human being has not changed ever: good and evil.

1) People in every period of time are thirsty for freedom, equality, democracy and the like. People maintain the merits of intelligence, diligence, creativity and so on.

2) However, we also share the demerits of prejudice, envy and greed. Innovation promotes development while greed leads to wars. Human race keep progressing of the civilization in this way.

2. On the other hand, the study of history is equally beneficial to understand and appreciate significant differences between peoples of different time periods.

1) In terms of cultural morals, customs, values, and ideals. Take Chinese feudal society as an example, during that time, all powers were in the hands of the emperor alone, who was assisted by a group of ministers led by the prime minister. Local governors were appointed by the central government. The common people had no democratic rights at all.

3. Besides, history has many other functions, which might be more significant than to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history.

1) For example, studying of the achievement of the past can give us inspiration. Studying the mistakes and failures of the past can prevent us from repeating those mistakes and failures again.

三、 教育方法:

Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.


University is an important place in a youth's life. To a significant extend this kind of education students receive in university determines what kind of person they will be. Taking the courses outside the student’s fields of study may expand him a wide spectrum of vision. Therefore I fundamentally agree with the speaker that the real “truly educated” should be based on the learning a wide scope of knowledge. However, close scrutiny reveals that overstate either the importance of the professional knowledge or the information outside will lead into jeopardized situation.

1. In the first place, requiring students to take courses only in their major field of study can cause some serious problems. Actually, not every student knows with certainty which professional field they are truly interested in and can do well in at the beginning of their college life. If universities allowed their students to choose related courses freely, it would be a good opportunity for them to find their interests. Exploring subjects outside their own major may help students to find new academic fields in which their real interest and potentials lie. Fortunately, in recent years, many universities have begun to change their education policies, and set up series of minor courses for students to study. Now there are more and more students taking minor courses in what they are truly interested in and this gives them another opportunity to develop their interests where they can make full use of their spare time to expand their knowledge and enhance their capabilities.

2. Since various disciplines are related, the study of courses outside a student’s own field may benefit the study of their majors. As we know, every subject does not exist independently. They relate to other subjects to one extend or another. For instance, philosophy is the foundation of all subjects, which provides a fundamental approach to thinking about every problem. Whatever your major is, you can benefit from learning it. Math is a useful tool for us in solving problems. If you major is economics or accounting, you will find that the knowledge of mathematics can help you a lot in your research or your work. Therefore we can see that students with varied knowledge would have a great advantage in competing with those who have only limited scope.

3. If a person want to be a successful man in the society, the knowledge just from his or her major is not sufficient at all. He or she should learn lots of things because those things are really important for their future success.

1) Science: logic, critical thinking, common sense

2) Art: the cognition of natural

3) Philosophy: critical thinking and better understanding of the world

4) Psychology: help to grow mentally healthy

5) Sociology: the essence of society and human being.

4. Of course, despite all of these advantages of learning various disciplines, the most important disciplines for a student is still those lessons which is related to his or her major. Overemphasizing the various disciplines will adversely influence the student's learning of his or her major.


Take a balance. A university should offer various disciplines to students while ensure that the students can learn their major well.



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