
小站整理2024-06-27 11:28:07

摘要:以下是一些 GRE 数学填空题练习题及解析:

以下是一些 GRE 数学填空题练习题及解析:


  1. The average (arithmetic-mean) of the 11 numbers in a list is 14. If the average of 9 of the numbers in the list is 9, what is the average of the other 2 numbers?
    • 答案:24
    • 解析:11 个数的算术平均数是 14,则这 11 个数的总和为 11×14=154。其中 9 个数的算术平均数为 9,则这 9 个数的总和为 9×9=81。那么剩下的 2 个数的总和为 154-81=73,所以这 2 个数的平均数为 73÷2=36.5。
  2. According to a tax rate formula for a certain year, the amount of tax owed by an individual whose annual income was between $31,850 and $77,100 was equal to a base tax of $4,386 plus 24 percent of the annual income that exceeded $31,850. According to this formula, what was the amount of tax owed by an individual whose annual income that year was $42,000?
    • 答案:$6,822
    • 解析:首先计算出超过$31,850 的部分,即$42,000 - $31,850 = $10,150。然后,计算这部分的 24%,即$10,150 × 0.24 = $2,436。最后,将 base tax of $4,386 和额外的$2,436 相加,得到$4,386 + $2,436 = $6,822。
  3. A certain band will perform 15 different songs in random order, and no song will be performed twice. If 9 of the songs are new, what is the probability that the first 2 songs that the band performs will both be new?
    • 答案:12/35
    • 解析:首先,计算从 15 首歌曲中选择 2 首歌曲的总组合数,即。然后,计算从 9 首新歌中选择 2 首歌曲的组合数,即。最后,将新歌的组合数除以总组合数,得到概率为。


这些练习题可以帮助你熟悉 GRE 数学填空题的题型和解题方法。在练习过程中,建议你注意以下几点:


  1. 仔细阅读题目,理解题意,确定所需的数学知识和技能。
  2. 分析题目中的关键信息和限制条件,找出解题的突破口。
  3. 运用所学的数学知识和方法,进行计算和推理,得出答案。
  4. 检查答案的合理性和准确性,确保解题过程无误。


希望这些练习题和解析对你有所帮助!如果你需要更多的练习题,可以参考相关的 GRE 备考资料或在线资源。祝你在 GRE 考试中取得好成绩!



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