分享一些实用的 GRE 写作范文

小站整理2024-07-10 11:46:47

摘要:以下为您分享几篇实用的 GRE 写作范文: Issue 范文 题目:"The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth." 范文:

以下为您分享几篇实用的 GRE 写作范文:


Issue 范文


题目:"The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth."




Contemporary culture is a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon that cannot be fully understood through a single approach. While analyzing the trends of youth can provide valuable insights, claiming it to be the most effective way is an oversimplification.


The youth do indeed play a significant role in shaping and reflecting contemporary culture. Their preferences, behaviors, and consumption patterns often set the tone for popular trends in areas such as fashion, music, and technology. For instance, the rise of social media and digital communication among young people has transformed the way we interact and share information, influencing various aspects of our cultural landscape.


However, focusing solely on the youth would neglect other important segments of the population. Older generations contribute to culture through their accumulated wisdom, traditional values, and experiences. Cultural institutions, artistic expressions, and historical legacies also play crucial roles in defining a culture that extend beyond the immediate trends of the young.


Furthermore, understanding contemporary culture requires a comprehensive examination of economic, political, and social factors. Globalization, technological advancements, and policy changes have far-reaching impacts on cultural norms and practices that cannot be captured by looking at the youth alone.


In conclusion, while analyzing the trends of the youth is an important aspect of understanding contemporary culture, it should be complemented with a broader and more inclusive exploration of diverse elements and influences to obtain a more complete and accurate picture.


Argument 范文


题目:The following appeared in a memo from the president of a company that makes breakfast cereals: "A recent study indicates that people who eat a diet high in fiber tend to have lower cholesterol levels. Since our new cereal, 'FiberPlus,' contains a high level of fiber, people who eat FiberPlus regularly will have lower cholesterol levels and thus will be healthier."




The president of the cereal company makes a hasty conclusion based on insufficient evidence and questionable assumptions. While it is true that a diet high in fiber is associated with lower cholesterol levels, it does not necessarily follow that consuming the company's new cereal, FiberPlus, will automatically lead to the same outcome for several reasons.


The study mentioned only establishes a general correlation between a high-fiber diet and lower cholesterol levels. It does not specifically address the effects of FiberPlus, which may have other ingredients or characteristics that could influence its impact on cholesterol.


Furthermore, the assumption that regular consumption of FiberPlus alone will result in lower cholesterol levels ignores individual variations in metabolism, overall diet, and lifestyle factors. People's responses to dietary changes can vary widely, and factors such as exercise, genetics, and existing health conditions also play significant roles in cholesterol levels and overall health.


Even if FiberPlus does contribute to lower cholesterol for some individuals, claiming that it will lead to overall better health is an overreach. Health encompasses more than just cholesterol levels and may involve factors such as cardiovascular function, immune system strength, and mental well-being, which are not necessarily directly affected by this cereal.


In conclusion, the memo presents an unsubstantiated and overly simplistic argument. More research and evidence are needed to support the claim that FiberPlus will reliably lower cholesterol levels and improve health for all consumers.



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