
小站教育2021-08-31 15:22:01



2021年9月3日GRE其他题型预测:作文/短阅读/长阅读/填空/等价/数学 请走这里


Geographers and historians have traditionally held the view that Antarctica was first sighted around 1820, but some sixteenth-century European maps show a body that resembles the polar landmass, even though explorers of the period never saw it. Some scholars, therefore, argue that the continent must have been discovered and mapped by the ancients, whose maps are known to have served as models for the European cartographers.

Which of the following, if true, is most damaging to the inference drawn by the scholars?

A. The question of who first sighted Antarctica in modern times is still much debated, and no one has been able to present conclusive evidence.

B. Between 3,000 and 9,000 years ago, the world was warmer than it is now, and the polar landmass was presumably smaller.

C. There are only a few sixteenth-century global maps that show a continental landmass at the South Pole.

D. Most attributions of surprising accomplishments to ancient civilizations or even extraterrestrials are eventually discredited or rejected as preposterous.

E. Ancient philosophers believed that there had to be a large landmass at the South Pole to balance the northern continents and make the world symmetrical.


题目解析:文章逻辑链:论据:1. 16世纪欧洲地图有南极大陆标识。2. 古人地图被用来作为欧洲制图师的参考模型。推出结论:部分学者认为南极洲是古人发现并做出地图的。问削弱。

A. 没有人能给出明确证据。两不相帮,无关。

B. 3000年前到9000年前之间,地球比现在更温暖,南极大陆更小。无关选项。

C. 只有一部分16世纪世界地图标识了南极大陆。即使只有一部分也能证明逻辑链存在。无法削弱。

D. 大部分被认为是古代文明甚至外星人创造的伟业最终都被证明是荒谬可笑的。即使大部分也不是全部,因此无法削弱逻辑链。

E. 古人认为南极有大陆只是出于世界对称性的猜测,认为有北极所以会有南极。也就是说古人认为有南极大陆并不是实际发现的,只是一种猜测。成功削弱逻辑链。正确。

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