2018年11月18日小站GRE阅读机经抢先看 短阅读提分必刷好资料

小站教育2018-11-12 18:42:38



2018年11月18日GRE机经其他题型预测:作文/长阅读/逻辑/填空/等价/数学 请走这里


What little scholarship has existed on Ernest Hemingway--considering his stature—has focused on trying to unmask the man behind the bravura. Ultimately, most of these works have done little more than to show that Hemingway the myth and Hemingway the man were not too dissimilar (Hemingway lived to hunt big game so should we be surprised at his virility, not to mention that of many of the author's--chiefly male-protagonists). In the last few years, several biographies have reversed this trend, focusing on Hemingway near the end of his life: isolated and paranoid, the author imagined the government was chasing him (he was not completely wrong on this account). Ironically, the hunter had become the hunted, and in that sense, these latest biographers have provided—perhaps unwittingly—the most human portrait of the writer yet.

1. It can be inferred from the passage that the author considers the latest Hemingway biographies a departure from traditional biographies in that these latest biographies

A. focus on a much overlooked aspect of the writer's body of work

B. depict Hemingway in a manner that is at odds with the myth of Hemingway

C. claim that Hemingway was similar to several of his chief protagonists in his books

D. suggest that Hemingway lacked the virility many associated with him

E. do not attempt to explore the link between Hemingway the man and Hemingway the myth


解析:题干问作者认为最新的海明威传记相对于传统传记的不同点。根据文章第三句话,我们知道,过去几年里一些最新传记反了传统,开始专注海明威晚年生活。我们由此推出,最新传记专注了传统传记忽视的地方,对应选项A中:focus…overlooked aspect…writer’s…work.

2. With which of the following would the author of the passage agree?

A. The prevalence of scholarship on Hemingway is commensurate with his renown as a writer.

B. The latest Hemingway biographies consciously intended to show Hemingway’s vulnerabilities.

C. Until recently, Hemingway biographies had shown a similar trend.


解析:题干问文章作者会同意的事实是什么。根据文章第三句话,我们知道,在最新传记中,海明威晚年生活孤独多疑,政府也可能在追杀他。我们由此推出,最新海明威传记表现了海明威的弱点,对应选项B中:…latest Hemingway biographies…show…vulnerabilities.

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