2018年1月20日GRE逻辑机经提分必备 理清逻辑难题思路先看机经

小站教育2018-01-09 17:05:32



2018年1月20日GRE机经其他题型预测:作文/长阅读/短阅读/填空单空多空/等价/数学 请走这里


Many shipwrecks dating from the period between A.D. 300 and 600 have been discovered in the Ramian Sea. Well over half of those ships were carrying cargo stored in large ceramic jars, many of which were preserved largely intact on the ocean floor. During that period, such jars carried only liquid. Therefore, liquid cargo was probably carried by a majority of the cargo ships that navigated the Ramian Sea during that period.

The force of the evidence cites in the passage is most seriously weakened if which of the following is true?

A. For ships on the Ramian Sea during the period, a full load of liquid cargo stored in large ceramic jars was not likely to be significantly heavier than a full load of other kinds of cargo that were typical of the period.

B. There are no surviving records dating from the period that detail specific cargoes shipped across the Ramian Sea.

C. The ratio of liquid to solid cargo shipped across the Ramian Sea did not vary significantly over the period.

D. The presence of a sizable quantity of large ceramic jars on the ocean floor is so visually striking that a shipwreck of a ship carrying such jars is more likely to be noticed and reported than are shipwrecks of ships carrying other cargoes.

E. During the period, grain and other solid cargo was shipped across the Ramian Sea in containers made from material other than clay.



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