9月4日GRE作文机经最新发布 Issuet真题高分写法专家指点

小站教育2016-09-01 18:02:19



9月其他题型机经预测:阅读/填空/数学 请走这里


"It is necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, mythology and other types of imaginative literature."

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.




1. 许多想象的作品成为文化的基础,并一直流传至今,对人类文明有着深远的影响:神化和传说。古希腊罗马神话,充满想象,对以此为基础并且同样灿烂悠久的西方文明有着深远影响。

Ancient Greek and Roman myths, are full of imagination, and become the foundation of the western culture which is also gorgeous and old-line. Furthermore, we can find the influences of these myths from today’s literature、sculpture、painting、music、and architecture.

2. 想象的作品展示给人更美好、更纯洁unsophisticated的社会。安徒生童话Andersen is famous for his fairy tales, Ugly Duckling,蕴含在其中的同情心sympathy that it implied the ugly duckling、对于世界的爱the love for the world the little mermaid、对诚实、勇敢的美德的歌颂Emperor‘s New Suit.

3. Only imaginative works can provide meaning to historical events—through the use of devices设备、策略such as symbolism象征主义and metaphor隐喻、暗喻。但丁Dante 神曲Divine comedy/Divina Commedia, one of the landmarks of world literature. 宣扬了个性解放的思想。基督教精神的最崇高体现,将善与恶视为两极,互不相容。人要靠信仰而活着。神曲本身是一个隐喻,从黑暗的森林,到地狱hell、净界limbo/炼狱purgatory、天堂的过程,代表由懵懂ignorant、挣扎struggle、渴望thirst for到救赎salvation的历程course。但丁希望引导读者反省人性的罪恶meditate the evils of human,思索当时混乱的局势ponder the chaotic situation at that time,并试着提出解决之道bring forward a solution,使人达到幸福之地blessed place。更深的揭露社会现象。

4. not everyone.

A time is limited, 可以做更有用的事

B 有的人没有条件。如:战区war zone的人民/非洲的挨饿的儿童hungry African children

We have been brought up with fairy tales, mythologies and science fictions.

Imaginative literature is characterized by fancy and illusion, which can inspire our imagination as well as intelligence.

However, when we immerse in the fantasy contrived by imaginative work, we should also notice its dark side.

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