【考前预测】6月26日GRE作文机经权威发布 Issue真题经典范文分析

小站教育2016-06-01 01:30:48






本场6月26日其他题型机经预测:阅读/填空/数学 请走这里

ETS官方题库No. 27

In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important contributions.



In the contemporary society, we human have gained maybe the most thorough and complicate knowledge system than any other eras before, but unfortunately also the most enormous acquirement of more important discoveries which be desired by the development of almost every realms. So this is the question affronted us: in any field of inquiry, whether the beginner or expert would the most efficient discoverer? To this question, people may offer their respective points based on their personal stands. As a beginner, my point is that the beginner will play more important role in the endless progress searching for knowledge.


ETS官方题库No. 57

The main benefit of the study of the history is to dispel the illusion that people living now is significantly different from those people who live in earlier times.


Are we today greatly different from our forefathers one hundred years ago, fifty hundred years ago, or a thousand years ago? You will surely not be punished if you answer to such an ambiguous question goes from one end to the other of the full spectrum. The answer depends heavily on what elements we are comparing or contrasting. Physically we are not much different from them in that both the forefathers and people today eat, drink, talk, work, and die. But is it convincing enough to say that we are not much different from them? The way we talk is no longer what it was five score years ago; the food we eat and how we eat have undergone remarkable change; even the diseases that killed the forefathers today kill people in a novel and perhaps more effective way. In the past people survived by means of hunting, fishing, and collecting. But today people make a life by buying and selling. Are we fundamentally different from people who lived before us? If I provide with an affirmative answer, I will be said to have illusions. Alas.




原句:If we agree to say that school offers us the best book knowledge acquisition then our society offers us the best surviving techniques in a hard way.

改写:If we agree that school offers the best method for the acquisition of book knowledge, then our society offers us the best method for acquiring common sense or “street smarts”.

原句中的agree to say就是个明显的中式英语。实际上agree that就能充分表达这个意思。考生一定要学会避免中式英语的表达方式。在一些用词不确定的情况下先通过词典查找一下相似的句式进行确认,最大程度上避免写作中中式英语的出现。

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