GMAT综合推理4大题型真题解析 一题一例手把手教你搞定IR

小站教育2015-05-01 01:41:11

摘要:GMAT综合推理IR(Integrated Reasoning)作为2012年GMAT考试改革后新出现的考试部分,由于本身复习资源较少,考生在面对IR时也常常不知道如何备考。本文将结合GMAT综合推理真题讲解IR四大题型的做法,手把手教大家做好IR拿到高分。




1. 图表解读


The table displays data on Brazilian agricultural products in 2009.

For each of the following statements, select Yes if the statement can be shown to be true based on the information in the table. Otherwise select No.

Yes No
No individual country produces more than one-fourth of the world's sugar.
If Brazil produces less than 20% of the world's supply of any commodity listed in the table, Brazil is not the world's top exporter of that commodity.

Of the commodities in the table for which Brazil ranks first in world exports, Brazil produces more than 20% of the world's supply.


2. 二段式分析


In Country X, a ballroom is classified as Category C if it has a ceiling of at least 10 meters. In the graph, each of the 22 Category C ballrooms is represented by two points arranged vertically: one representing the comparison of the height of the ballroom's ceiling to the number of tiles in the ballroom area (black circles), the other representing the comparison of the height of the ballroom's ceiling to the mean length per tile in the ballroom area (red squares).

Based on the given information, use the drop-down menus to most accurately complete the following statements about Category C ballrooms in Country X.

A) The ballroom with the greatest mean length per ballroom tile has a ceiling height select...(between 10-12/between 12-14/between 14-16/of 16+meters.)

B) There is a select...(strong positive/negligible/strong negative) correlation between the number of ballroom tiles and the mean length per ballroom tile.


3. 表格分析


The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures the average prices of goods and services purchased by consumers. In the United States, the CPI-U calculates the CPI for all urban consumers.

The CPI-U is calculated based on prices of food, clothing, shelter, fuels, transportation fares, charges for doctors and dentists' services, drugs, and other goods and services that people buy for day-to-day living. All taxes directly associated with the purchase and use of items (such as, in the United States, sales taxes) are included in the index. An increase in CPI-U by a certain fractional amount means an increase by that fractional amount in overall prices within the relevant category.

For analyzing general price trends in the economy, seasonally adjusted prices are usually preferred over unadjusted prices because adjusting eliminates the effect of changes that normally occur at the same time and in about the same magnitude every year—such as price movements resulting from climatic conditions, production cycles, model changeovers, and holidays.

For each of the following, select Yes if the statement is inferable from the given information. Otherwise select No.

Percent Changes in CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), US City Average

Yes No
The changes in seasonally adjusted prices for used cars and trucks between March 2010 and September 2010 were in most cases less in magnitude than the changes in seasonally adjusted prices of new vehicles for the same period.
The seasonally adjusted CPI-U for all items was higher in March 2010 than in the previous month.

The seasonally unadjusted change in the price of new vehicles in August 2010 over the previous month was about the same as the seasonally unadjusted change in the price of food away from home over the same period.


4. 多源推理



We at CBO produce original programming for TV shows, mini-series, and movies. We sell contracts to television conglomerate networks for the exclusive right to broadcast our programming and sell them via DVDs. For this right, the television networks pay CBO substantial fees that help finance CBO expenses and fund future CBO programming projects.

For members of the media, we provide kits complete with information on the actors / actresses in our shows, story plots, list of reviews, video clips and images. Now, however, some internet companies, through user generated content have not just a collection of video clips and digital photographs of our media programming throughout their site, but also full length versions of our movies and TV shows. Some of these users pirate our content and make it available for free via online video streaming just hours after initial release - this directly affects our DVD sales. Conditions must be placed on these practices, which go beyond basic media exposure; they harm the value of our contracts with television conglomerate networks and violate our rights as owners of the entertainment content. Video-based internet companies that wish to post such content on their websites should therefore sign contracts with the programming company that stipulate what content will be allowed and how much it will cost. As we have in the past, we will legally pursue internet video-based companies and push to have them shut down.

On Video

The entertainment media business is quickly shifting from offline (theaters, TV, DVDs) to on-demand online streaming, where viewers expect media content to be available at their fingertips and available to everyone - a democratic notion. The internet is a democracy and users exercise their Bill of Rights through freedom of expression and open access for the information they share online. This includes links that are shared online that help users find sources for entertainment content that may or may not be illegally hosted on other web servers. The nature of sharing these links is constitutionally protected. To place unnecessary conditions on what links can and cannot be shared is to deny the average user his right to freedom of expression and right to a fair democracy.

Much of the video content online is original and it is difficult to pinpoint which ones have content that legally belongs to the programming companies - as unlike text, the video content is not easily searchable and identifiable. Further, a website is not liable for the nature of the links shared on its site - the legal nature of where the links on its site point to is out of that website's control. Online video sites are not asking for programming content to be available in their entirety freely across the web. Online video sites recognize that pirated versions of programming content can translate into poor experiences for viewers and devalue the content. But on the contrary -- free, on-demand video content of quality programming has, for the most part, generated mroe interest in many programs, its actors and actresses, artists and entertainers, and thus benefits internet users and programming companies alike. Making videos, in any time frame, accessible on the internet for the average internet user is a moral constitutional imperative and we must not forgo this great service that online video websites have created.Which of the following can most reasonably be inferred to be a view held by the online video websites?

A. Online consumers have the right to reproduce programming content that has been posted on online video websites.

B. Online consumers' basic freedom rights will effectively be violated if they are prohibited from uploading and sharing videos.

C. Online video sites have the exclusive right to stream original programming content online.

D. People are less likely to tune into the original programming (whether on TV or other media) if they have access to the recorded version online at any time.

E. CBO should restrict how its original programming can be disseminated.




IR 计算器中各字母代表的意思



MR:读出独立内存数字 (Read M中的)

MS:将显示数字保存到独立内存,并取代内存中原有数字 (Save M中的)



CE:纠错键(CLEAR ERROR)。输入数字有错,按它可以重新输入






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